• Investor Relations
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate governance rules and principles

Corporate governance rules and principles

With the goal to establish sound systems of corporate governance and risk management, Inventec promulgates corporate governance rules and principles to accrue greatest benefit to shareholders, exercise the fiduciary duty, and obey the fundamental laws and moralities. In order to ensure equality of shareholders, Inventec conducts “Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles”, “Guidelines for the Adoption of Codes of Ethical Conduct”, “Guidelines for the Adoption of Codes of Employee Behavior”, and “ Procedures for Handling Material Inside Information”, etc. With these procedures mentioned above, Inventec is able to meet the following goals:
1.Ensure information confidentiality
2.Prevent insider trading
3.Pay attention to the event of conflict of interest.
4.Provide clear and effective communication platforms to safeguard the interested parties.

Inventec also uses websites and emails as ways of providing trainings of corporate governance to directors, supervisors, managers, and employees. With these efforts, they are able to better understand the operational business procedures and comply with applicable relevant laws and regulations.
Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles
To supervise ethical management, prevent conflicts of interest, and provide appropriate feedback channels, Inventec Corporation amended the “Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles of Inventec Corporation” in 2019. The Talent Center is the unit responsible for ethical corporate management, and related units shall report relevant implementation efforts to the Board of Directors every year. Inventec Corporation has established both “The Code of Ethical Conduct” and “The Global Employee Standards of Conduct”. Meanwhile, the special guarantee provisions with which suppliers must comply are specified in the “purchase contract” to prohibit commissions, percentages, brokerages, kickbacks, or any other benefits. In the case of any violation, the Corporation may terminate the contract immediately, and the supplier shall cooperate in claiming compensation against anyone who receives such benefit. To ensure that ethical management is carried out, newly recruited employees shall attend the “internal control system fulfillment” course and related legal courses. The audit manager shall report poor external and internal control cases, fault analysis, and self-prevention strategies at Board meetings. The purchase contract prohibiting the provision and acceptance of improper benefits must be signed with suppliers; an effective accounting system and internal control system must be established; internal audits and self-assessments must be regularly implemented; and the compliance of the Company must be strictly audited to prevent unethical behavior.
Human rights policy
Inventec respects and supports internationally recognized human rights regulations and principles, including “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, “The UN Global Compact”, and the “Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” of the international labor organization to establish the employee’s code of conduct. We use propaganda in terms of newly recruited employees and we sign for the propaganda periodically. The regulation specifies that talent recruitment units in plants throughout the should treat colleagues equally concerning different races, ranks, nationalities, and disabilities. It is also strictly prohibited to use the above-mentioned matters as interview standards in the recruitment process. Child labor is also strictly prohibited and no use of forced labor will be allowed to meet the regulations of local government.
Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles